Development of high protein antiemetic ice cream for oncologyc patients in chemotherapy treatment

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Gabriele Moreira
Luiza Domingos Campos da Silva
Andrea Regina Zacarias Silva


Cancer is the name given to a set of diseases characterized by the disorderly growth of cells that force their way into tissues and organs in our body. These cells divide rapidly, usually in an aggressive and uncontrollable way, and they can spread to other regions of the body. Studies show that the majority of cancer patients in chemotherapy treatment suffer side effects, such as mucositis, nausea and vomit, consequently having a poor diet that causes a nutritional risk. Due to the nutritional complications that these patients have and their difficulty in eating, as consequences of the side effects, this study aimed to develop an antiemetic ice cream with a high protein level, as it is made from Whey protein® and ginger. The product developed had a high protein content, with 13,4g of protein per serving, possible antiemetic property, it contains 1,2g of ginger per serving, and has shown a good sensory quality. Thus, the product developed can be used as an adjunct in the treatment of cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy treatment and can help in improving food intake and in reducing nausea and emesis.

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How to Cite
Moreira, G., Domingos Campos da Silva, L., & Regina Zacarias Silva, A. (2022). Development of high protein antiemetic ice cream for oncologyc patients in chemotherapy treatment. Cadernos Da Escola De Saúde, 20(2), 13-20.
Original Article


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