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Patricia Bortoluzzi
Catylin Amaro
Andrea Emanuela Chaud Hallvass


Currently, the increase in the life expectancy of the elderly is a reality that has been growing, and with this the diseases that arise with advancing age can directly reflect on their quality of life. It has been observed that adequate nutritional habits directly affect the health and quality of life of individuals at any age. The study aimed to carry out an observational quantitative analysis in order to assess the nutritional and psychological status of non-institutionalized elderly people and the relationship between these factors. Twenty elderly people of both sexes from the region of Curitiba-PR were selected. The Mini Nutritional Assessment (MAN) and the Geriatric Depression Scale (GDS) questionnaire were applied. For data analysis, Student's T Test and Fisher's Exact Test were used. A higher prevalence of depression was found in divorced/single and widowed elderly. According to the Body Mass Index (BMI) 13 (65%) of the elderly were classified as overweight, in an evaluation of the MAN 14 (70%) of the individuals had no risk of malnutrition and 6 (30%) had a risk of malnutrition. There was no statistically significant relationship between depression indices and nutritional status in the individuals. There was no significant relationship between the nutritional status and mental status of the elderly, although a small relationship was observed between overweight and depression. Social interaction reflected on the mental health of individuals, and women showed greater nutritional imbalance in relation to men with higher numbers of overweight and hypertension.

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How to Cite
Bortoluzzi, P., Amaro, C., & Emanuela Chaud Hallvass, A. (2022). NUTRITIONAL AND PSYCHOLOGICAL ASPECTS OF NON-INSTITUTIONALIZED ELDERLY PEOPLE. Cadernos Da Escola De Saúde, 20(2), 1-12.
Original Article


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